5 Plugins you must have before you start blogging

Western Clock
3 min readApr 17, 2021


Photo created by Westernclock

This day if you want to create your blog but don’t know how to optimize your website and don’t want to pay developers. Then, I can help you without getting extra fees. You have to add some plugins.

Those plugins have their benefits; however, they charge some amount, but today, I tell you free and basic versions. This thing can work if you are doing it in the right way.

Yoast SEO

If your website launched today, and you don’t know, Which plugins download first, you need to download Yoast SEO right now. Yoast SEO for everyone who has a primary or modern website. Yoast SEO has some only things that can change the experience. In terms of the useability, In terms of credibility.

Although Yoast SEO is a paid tool, you can use it for free. The free version has some basic feature, but the free version has everything which you need.

  1. This plugin has in builds site-map. That is important for google’s webmaster.
  2. You can check the Local SEO.
  3. Yoast SEO can carry more guests from social media.
  4. Only you can add one focus keyword.
  5. You can customize the website URL. (Shorter URL meaning optimization of your URL)
  6. Yoast helps you add the meta description.

One more alternative plugin (AIO SEO) is available for WordPress users, but more of them used Yoast SEO.

Google Sitekit by google

The google Sitekit helps you understand where the audience/traffic comes from and the most important links. Someone may be saying that I can use Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Yes, your correct, but, always, no one wanted to open these multiple pages. You can get those in one place. Is much more convenient.

  1. You can get some suggestions about what needs to be improved on the website.
  2. How many Clicks and Impressions are getting from the website.
  3. Of the cool features is, you can check the page speed and experience.

Editor Note- “That means we are not telling you don’t use Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Google Sitekit is convenient and important, but some of the options are missing, so use both of them.”


In recent days, The Jetpack complete 10 years. Jetpack has many more features, like Enhanced the performance of the website, Traffic growth, and statistics, It helps to Fortified security and Searches engine optimization your keywords.

Enhanced the performance

It can help your website build performance. although WordPress has inbuilt features. like Share content, User friendly.

Traffic Growth

Jetpack has a unique option. You can see the traffic growth in the plugin. Not only, showing where the traffic came from, but you can also see which pages the current visitor has. and most visiting pages of the day.

Fortified Security

Jetpack helps other plugins to updates, and it makes sure that others or hackers can’t be stealing your website data. It’s just adding an extra layer of protection.

Searches Engine Optimization your keywords (SEO)

WordPress has SEO settings in inbuilt to provide as much as they can deliver speed. Not only deliver speed It’ll also load fast and it can optimize your images. So you can get a better result


Nitropack helps your website makes it faster than ever. If you have a paid plugins but you are not satisfied with the result, then I highly recommend trying nitropack. It not only loads fast, but it can also reduce the ping from the server and removed unuse CSS and Javascript.

If you are using the basic plan, then it handles 5,000 page views per month and 1 GB CDN bandwidth per month. Right now, no one can offer this kind of feature for Free.

404 to 301 — Redirect, Log and Notify 404 Errors

I know every WordPress owner makes the same mistake from the first time. For example — if you are publishing and content on your website then a few days later the page got deleted, Your website showing you 404 errors and you don’t know how restored the page then it helps you to read the visitor from another page.”

From time to time, it sends you feedback regarding the bug report. so make some changes.

Editor note: Let me know your thoughts! which plugins help to make a better website.

Jonelle Noelani Yacapin

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