India and Canada’s Visa Restrictions Amidst the Khalistan Issue

Western Clock
2 min readSep 23, 2023

Khalistan-related difficulties have recently arisen in the diplomatic ties between India and Canada. Both nations have imposed visa limitations as a result of this complex problem in an effort to address their own issues. We will look at the history of the Khalistani problem, the justifications for the visa restrictions, and any potential repercussions for bilateral ties in this article.

Understanding the Khalistan Issue

The demand for an independent Sikh state, sometimes referred to as Khalistan, in the Indian state of Punjab is known as the “Khalistani issue.” This demand has its roots in the tragic operation Blue Star that took place in 1984, which was the culmination of the Sikh independence movement of the 1970s and 1980s. Since then, the subject has remained divisive, with some Sikh diaspora organizations outside of India supporting the establishment of Khalistan.

India’s Concerns

India views the Khalistani movement as a threat to its territorial integrity and national security. It alleges that some Sikh extremist groups in Canada are involved in funding and supporting pro-Khalistan activities, including promoting separatist ideologies and propaganda. Indian authorities have expressed concerns that these activities could incite violence and instability in the region.

Canada’s Perspective

Canada, home to a significant Sikh diaspora, has a longstanding commitment to multiculturalism and freedom of expression. While the Canadian government has consistently condemned violence and extremism, it has also upheld the rights of individuals to express their political views peacefully. This stance has occasionally led to tensions between Canada and India, with the latter accusing Canada of not doing enough to curb pro-Khalistan activities on its soil.

Visa Restrictions

In response to these concerns, both India and Canada have implemented visa restrictions. India has tightened its visa regulations for Canadian citizens of Punjabi origin, particularly those who have been involved in pro-Khalistan activities or have expressed support for the movement. Canada, on the other hand, has been cautious in granting visas to individuals with known links to extremist Sikh groups.

Implications for Bilateral Relations

Undoubtedly, the visa limitations imposed by Canada and India have damaged their bilateral ties. Economic and cultural ties between the two nations exist and both countries stand to benefit from a positive diplomatic relationship. However, a fundamental barrier to fostering these relationships has developed in the form of the Khalistani conflict.

In an effort to address this problem, Indian and Canadian law enforcement agencies are working more closely together to track down and stop terrorist activity. Furthermore, diplomatic discussions are crucial for identifying points of agreement and resolving conflicts.


Visa restrictions between India and Canada as a result of the Khalistan conflict illustrate. The challenges of juggling national security considerations with free speech and pluralism.

Although these limitations may have damaged bilateral relationships, both nations are nevertheless dedicated to finding answers that solve the problem without compromising their crucial values. It’s impossible to predict how this delicate diplomatic dance will turn out or whether it will result in better positive relations between the two countries.

